Welcome to 150 Harley Street ENT Clinic
Pioneering Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Specialists in London?
ENT 150 is a leading London ENT Clinic in Harley Street, opposite The London Clinic.
With a team of pioneering world-class ENT Consultants covering a broad range of specialities and state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment on site, our aim is to provide an excellent level of care in the most efficient and comfortable means possible in a friendly, modern environment.
We appreciate the importance of convenience and are proud to call ourselves a one-stop-shop, centre of excellence for patients looking for a London otolaryngologist. Alongside diagnostic services, tests and advice, our specialist doctors are also able to carry out a wide range of Ear, Nose and Throat treatments on site.
Whether you are a new or returning patient, our dedicated and experienced team is always happy to advise on all aspects of ENT treatment and surgery.
To book a consultation with a doctor, please read through our Consultant list and see which specialist is right for you. Alternatively, for further information or help, please call us on 020 3075 3150 or email us on [email protected] and we can help you choose the right Consultant.
Video Consultations
We are pleased to announce that most of our specialists will now offer video consultations. Please do get in touch with us when booking your appointment if this is something you think you can benefit from. Please click the button below:
One of the most remarkable and intricate structures in the human body.
An elegant and versatile organ which shapes our identity.
An integral part of our body which many of us know little about.

“I came in to your office deeply worried about my instrument and consequently my livelihood and I left feeling relieved and overwhelmed with your kindness. My doctor had just told me I’d have to wait up to 6 months for care on the NHS or pay much more than I could afford again, privately. I really cannot thank you enough. It’s been a while since I’ve wept with joy – which I did on the phone to my mum after I left our appointment! Thank you, for not only being so kind but also being so informative, responsive to my questions and reassuring – you are a rarity!”

“Thank you for calling to check up on me yesterday. I am feeling 100% better thanks to you. You are a genius.”

“I was delighted to have been able to come under your scrutiny and to have received the benefit of your wisdom and knowledge. I did leave your Practice very pleased and encouraged by your comments and guidance.”

“My daughter had her adenoids removed by Professor A Wright (ENT at 150 Harley Street) at the London Clinic [in] December 2013. I felt it important to let you know that Professor Wright was superb throughout the process. He explained clearly and concisely what was required and why, He was kind to my daughter ensured she felt comfortable and understood what was taking place.”

“Back home safely at last. Feeling pretty good all things considered. Thank you for your visits and invaluable interventions. You made a huge difference. I won’t forget it.”

“I thought I’d drop you a line as my mother has just gone ahead, after a month’s trial with a new pair of hearing aids. She is really happy with them, and is even starting to listen to music again (her first love). So many thanks to you for suggesting she visit 150 Harley Street, from both of us!”