What is Aspirin-Exacerbated Respiratory Disease (AERD)?

Millions of people around the world take painkillers every day for relief from mild pain symptoms. If you’re experiencing a headache, fever or joint pain, you might feel it worthwhile to take a medication like aspirin, naproxen or ibuprofen to reduce symptoms. However, if you have a condition known as AERD (aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease), you [...]

By |2020-07-24T13:45:56+00:00July 24th, 2020|ENT|Comments Off on What is Aspirin-Exacerbated Respiratory Disease (AERD)?

Can otitis media cause hearing loss?

Sometimes, seemingly small ailments can cause surprisingly serious long-term afflictions; otitis media, also known as an ear infection, is one such condition. While otitis media is both very common and often mild, it's important to be aware of the illness as well as the potential for long-term side effects and hearing loss. What is otitis [...]

By |2021-07-09T13:14:23+00:00April 6th, 2020|ENT|Comments Off on Can otitis media cause hearing loss?

When should I see an ear, nose and throat specialist?

Are you struggling with persistent ear pain or problems with eating or speaking? You might need to see an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist. How do you know when to tackle your symptoms with a visit to the pharmacist, and when you might need more help to find a solution for your problem? What [...]

By |2020-08-20T09:07:10+00:00March 4th, 2020|ENT|Comments Off on When should I see an ear, nose and throat specialist?